Friday, January 23, 2009

Prepare for a bloody story...

Ooooo.... It's 9am!! I haven't been up at this time in ages XD I'm taking the SATs [I'm not going to college anytime soon... My parents are making me take them because they said "So you get used to sitting and taking a test for five hours." Oo'] and it starts at 8am tomorrow so I have to get used to sleeping early and waking up really early [I have to wake up at 7am tomorrow lol]... Anyway, the next episode about the rat...:

So... The rat ate ALL of the rat poison my dad put in the garage and got hit by the mouse trap [but he was too big for it so I think he broke his foot or something] and started to run in a frenzy [you can see where it ran 'cuz there's a *gulp* trail of... Yeah.. The red stuff? Yeah... Blood... ^^']... Isn't it weird that in Chinese [Mandarin], "blood" and "snow" are pronounced the same [the characters are different tho]? Anyway, the dead body was thrown in the garbage and the garbage can was thrown outside. THE END~

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