Saturday, September 6, 2008

My 98th post!!

Eh... Stupid tropical storm/hurricane Hanna is attacking where I live [NJ]... Well... Near where I live. So I might got computer/Internet/electricity/power outage problem. I won't be on the computer. So no Gaia, email, RPing, no nuthin'. HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO RECEIVE MY KINO NO TABI BOOK 1 PHONE CALL FROM BORDERS NOW!?!?!? Sorry. And if the storm actually heads to where I live, I'm gonna have to save my books and manga collection. [2oo DOLLARS WORTH OF MANGA AND LIKE 100 DOLLARS WORTH OF BOOKS!!! Sorry] Durn... My kamichama karin and pick of the litter collection's. Plus, the tropical storm's [Thank God it's not the hurricane ^^] heading to where I live later in the afternoon. So... No computer for like... Three days? I gotta finish what I have to do NOW. So this post is telling people I email regularly that I won't be on... But most of my friends live in NJ... Nvm, so this is for the ones that live in places other than NJ. Yeah, if I don't reply anything in a month... I have major computer issues. Anyway, for the RPing on, just continue without me. There's a high chance the flowers in my mom's garden will die... Oops... Sorry, off topic. Anyway, there's a high chance that my internet and electricity won't work. Okay... Bye.

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