Monday, January 5, 2009

Must... Post... FAST!


New CV03 comming out in 1/30/09!! X3

New VOCALOID CV03 coming [i think out around these days]!! [Yokune's UTAU's CV03 VOCALOID btw]

There are strange things going on on the internet [Like... "OMG!!! I HEARD THE CV03's A GUY!!" NOOO!! I HEARD THE NEW VOCALOID'S A GIRL!!" CV03's confirmed a girl and her color pink] I heard CV03's voice is done by the person who did Sakaki in Azumanga Daioh [don't scream like what I did guys! XD Throwing off my head phones and screaming "WHOOO!!!!" ni the middle of the night -.-'] Wait for me CV03!! I'm gonna stick my grubby paws out and buy [breaking my bank for CV03 and my back drawing for The Rising Stars of Manga!!] you!!! I just hope your system is in English... [If in Japanese... I'd freak out. But I heard the maing language and setting is English]

[Prepare to laugh guys! Not Rick Roll, just wanna save the surprise. Btw, ask you parents because it has to have this approval thingy (don't worry, my mom said yes "It's impossible to prevent these things. There are even more pop-up of bad stuff. Just remember: don't follow their examples." Sounds more like she gave up on guarding me and setting up web blockers 24/7 huh? ^^' Not that I purposely go on bad websites). I think it says that because there's alot of ecchi/hentai/mature/shotocon/lolicon/smut in anime and manga these days (NOOO!!! WE NEED MORE ANIME AND MANGA LIKE FUSHIGI BOSHI NO FUTAGO HIME!!) So far I hadn't seen any]

Btw... Another thing.. Yesterday I went to the mall for about 2 hours [I counted for 1 1/2 hours]... And I counted and ended up with 114 [no kidding, no guessing, no rounding. 144 girls in Uggs shoes] girls wearing Uggs shoes... Any reasons WHY people are obsessed with Uggs? I mean, they look nice... But since too many people are wearing them, it makes the shoes look boring and plain. But weird thing is that people in Pennsylvana and New York don't wear Uggs as much as New Jersey...

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