Sunday, February 8, 2009

Heck whatever...

Editing again: Spoiler!! remove all the w's and j's to see the message
wkjiwnjowbjewcjowmjewsjawmjawgjiwcjawljgwijrwlj!!! Lol XD I really can't imagine that!

Another edit: if you wanna read the preface raw verson, here. Btw, the person translating [not the ones with the raws] is translating from Chinese, so it won't exactly match the Japanese one. And the translating notes at the end of the preface of the oresamahates translating: The first one I think used the Chinese words yong li [I think that's the pinyin...]... Which means "strength" or in some cases "work hard." So I think in that sentence they mean work hard [I know how Kino feels about her hair XD]. The second one... The person translating it covered it. It means people can't be too picky/people should never be too picky/That person's too picky! Because eggs don't usually have bones unless the chick inside is about to hatch. And yes, I do know Chinese! [even tho I can't spell pinyin or read/write ^^' Only speak]

I'm bored of re-editing the other post... Here's the links of Gakuen Kino:

Gakuen Kino Preview


Chapter 1 part 1

That's all I found... Sorry! Translations are NOT by me, I don't know Chinese lol. But here's something funnier: “Ahh…I can’t eat anymore…But I still want to eat…Yes, this is the power…Ah, I still have another stomach…” XD Quoted not from me... But from Kino!! Rofl


Janey said...

Is this about Kino from "Kino no Tabi" or a diffrent Kino?

Kitty said...

It's actually a spin-off series :3 In volume three or four, someone suggested Kino going to high school, so the author thought it was cool so he made a spin-off series X3