Friday, November 27, 2009

UTAU Update

[Wow, this blog has kinda become like my UTAU blog Oo']

Okies... Now I'll announce the new voicebanks for my UTAULOIDs

Asu - New Lite voicebank

Hana- Diphone and triphone voicebank [+Lite voicebank]

Yasu- A completed diphone [possibly triphone...?] voicebank

Aria- Normal voicebank + instrument [guitar. Electric (normal and disorted) and acustic]

Ruke- Ver. 1 voicebank + instrument [clarinet X3]

Riri&Lulu- Ver. 1 voicebank

Muzuri [sometimes I might spell his name "Rizumu" Oo' Sorry...]- Ver. 1 voicebank + instrument [drums]

Miyu- Redone ver. 1 voicebank [+ redone piano]

Kousou Motone [Yasai-juice's Spicaloid 8D]- Normal and triphone voicebank

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Edit: PLEASE READ THE WHOLE THING!!! D: Lots of people don't read it 'cuz it looks really long, but PLEASE READ THE WHOLE THING! If someone asks a question that's already in this FAQ, I'll just tell them to READ THE FAQ.
I also made some changes [thanks to everyone who helped!]

Sorry, it takes forever for me to answer everyone's questions.... ^^'

So I put up an FAQ for:

How to Use and Download UTAU video

In the download section, インストーラ means it's the installing one and zipアーカイブ is the unzipping one. I recommend the installing one over the unzipping one. The unzipping UTAU might work better if you use Winrar to unzip it.

And yes, even if your computer is not in Japanese, you can still use UTAU [not as efficeintly as one in Japanese though D:]

To change your computer into Japanese, go to control panel, Language, and set Language for Non-Unicode Programs to Japanese. That's for Vista, but it should be about the same on other types of computers [ty Yasai-juice for telling me about this!!!! X3]

UTAU was made specially for PCs, but Macs can also use it. [please read Anonymous's post in the comments X3 Thanks!!] UTAU programmers like UTAUxyz [on Youtube] use UTAU on Macs.

Yasai-juice on deviantart made a many useful tutorials. Please check out her gallery on Deviantart! :D

Also, Th3SilentOn3's UTAU library has a whole collection of USTs and voicebanks, so I recommend going there!

Yurahonya posts alot of USTs on her UTAU blog. It's in Japanese though D8

Annamaeblythe put up alot of really good UTAU tutorials on Youtube too :D

Q: Why won't UTAU sing?

A: Many possible reasons...
1) Did you highlight you want your UTAU to sing? [highlight them and then press play]
2) Are you using a Japanese voicebank in a non Japanese computer? [a non Japanese computer cannot play a Japanese voicebank]

Q: A popup says "Component 'COMDLG32.OCX'" and won''t let me open UTAU. What's wrong?

A: You're probably using a nonJapanese computer...? Try the installing UTAU or unzip UTAU with Winrar. :D

Q: How do you make an UTAULOID?

A: MalchikPride put up a tutorial concerning that :D [Singinrobotstalker deleted her's D:]

Q: How do you add a new voicebank?

A: Should be around 00:27 in the video [it's not clear though, sorry. Go to tab P then R then G on the top right corner of the popup page and then R in the drop down list. The video will tell you the rest.]

Q: How do you switch from Defuo's voicebank?

A: You go to P then R and there should be a drop-down list next to the button that says "info". You select the voice bank you want and simply press "OK".

Q: Whenever I try to string notes, I get a message that says "Run time error Division by Zero" and then UTAU window closes. What's going on?

A: That's usually because your computer isn't in Japanese. Try downloading Visual Basic Vector [ty Aerendyll for telling about this on VOCALOIDOtaku X3]. That should fix it. If it doesn't, UTAU's mode2 can take the stringing note's place. [how to use UTAU's mode2 video: ]

Q: Where can you get a romaji voicebank?

A: Here's a list of VOCALOIDs with romaji voicebanks [if you can't find their voicebanks, I'll give you their dll]
Camilia Melodia
Asu Kuroshiro
Hana Kone
Ayame Ensei
Zuii Takoe
Sasayaki Nunnoru
Anaka Blythe
Tony Yonne
Konaru Tetsuo
Emi Sasaki
Aoi Hatsun
There's much more though [this is off the top of my head ^^' Sorry]

Q: I have a romaji voicebank, but why can't it sing?

A: For some of them, their "alias" on the .Oto file [エリアス] is Japanese. Just delete all of the "alias". [Thanks Halo for correcting this!] I know it'll take time to go through ALL THE OTO and renaming ALL of them, but it's the only way... I'll try to change Japanese voicebanks into romaji if I have time ^^'

Q: How do I open a .UST file?

A: Go to tab F then P. Or you can directly click on the UST file [this might not work if you downloaded the unzipping UTAU]

Q: Why can't I import UST files into Audacity [or any other recording program]?

A: Audacity doesn't recognize UST files, so make an UTAULOID sing it and then export the voice as a WAV.

Q: How do I export my UTAULOID's voice on UTAU?

A: Tab L then S.

Q: How do I export my work on UTAU?

A: Here
Go to tab F then E. Above the save button in the popup window there should be a drop-down list giving you the choice of exporting it as a midi or VSQ or a blank file.
To export it as a UST, go to tab F then S [or ctrl+S] [exporting as a UST doesn't always work if your computer isn't in Japanese]