Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!!
Download website
How to get the Teto Kasane music system! X3 I would get it if my computer has enough memory for it... ^^' Plus, I need to ask my dad permission too... Hehe... I think you might have to have an account to watch the video.. But once you get a Nico Nico account, getting otaku videos are much easier! [it's pretty hard... Even with a translater... It took me about an hour or something to get my account XD] But one thing I'm not sure is this program having viruses... I don't think so because billions of people dowload this and nothing bad happened... But be sure to have a virus scan after downloading. ^^ Btw, the download is free. [:3]
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
:3 Extra ~pi
Triple BAKA long Ver.
Triple Baka short ver.

btw, is anyone planning to join the 2007 Rising Stars of Manga? [Tokyopop That's this year's competition. I haven't found info on this years yet] I'll try to enter [my parents agreed]... As long as I can draw better than now... ^^' If I win, my parents might let me be a comic artist!!! X3 They said "If you make a comic and the publishers publish it and it's popular, we will consider you being a comic artist." WHOOO!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Seriously... Ma Po Tofu isn't that bad!
[*note: The butler says: "That is Ma Po Tofu" translation from anonsocks!]
Poor Teito and Mikage... Getting tortured by Chinese food... Anyways... Guess what!? I went to New York yesterday! X3 My sister brought a truck load of scarfs... We went to the restaurant "The View"... The deserts were good, but our enjoyment backfired... My sister gained 5 pounds and my mom 7... Atleast I lost weight! XD I think they just gained water weight or something...

Also, I bought a [vanilla] comet! I think it's a vanilla comet... 'Cuz it looks like it... [I'll try to post a picture of it here ^^'] We Chinese name food fifty different names so [because of different translations]... Yeah... Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!~
Lookie what I found! 07 Ghost ch. 24 raw and translation! [not by me, all credit goes to the posters]
the rest of the raws are here~ o^-^o all credit goes to the posters!!~ [extremely happy] I'm currently studying Japanese [just bought a teach yourself Japanese book! Any my mom's teaching me Chinese (kanji)!!!] so if all goes well, I might either translate 07 Ghost [or other manga... if I can find raws or have a plane trip to Japan] myself or go with Twilight Dreams Scans. ^^ Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
I hope it works... btw, I sound like I'm singing through my nose... That's my microphone... Plus I sound nasal when I go high... That's not my mic, I sing like that. So... World is Mine is combined with Servant of Evil. Hare Hare Yukai is seprate. ^^' I really need a new mic... Like I mentioned in the song, my mic makes my voice lower and also, it makes me sound like... Uh... Weird... I don't sound like that, really! OoO No kidding. I sound 100% American but I have a Chinese/Konata/Japanese/me-ish accent. Even when I'm ABC. [I guess the Japanese/Konata one is from anime... ^^']
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Timotei... Timotei... Timotei...
I noticed I go CRAZY on posting... ^^' Okay... Normal... Normal... Normal... Does anyone have a clue on how to go caroling? 'Cuz I'm gonna go tomorrow. And my clarinet's gone all squeaky so I might not be able to play the songs right... -.-' Btw, Allumage is a good manga [besides the normalness of the art and the part ecchi art. nice plot tho... Does anyone like gift-wrapping? I think that's addicting...]
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The next chapter of Witch Hunt released!
07-GHOST!! ... Obviously tho... Zero-sum Comic.. I think I also see Amatsuki, but I'm not sure due to the lact of Japanese characters in my brain. Okay, story:
I just finished Witch Hunter and was finding another manga to read on I clicked the "Can't decide? Click here for a random manga" button several times. BAM! IT HIT ME AND MY COMPUTER SOO HARD, IT DIDN'T LOAD FOR ALONG TIM!E!! That's what happened! Is Uwasaya a good manga? It looks okay so far... Everyone on says it's good too... Btw, I submitted my new story at! My pen name is miyu tenshi. Anyone else go on
Monday, December 1, 2008
07-Ghost anime... Code Geass: Suzaku of Rebellion... Ramune candy...
Boten: .....I want to make you the new Teiten....
Toki: (O.o)
BOOM! The ending theme!! -.-' idk what's going on.... BUT WHAT'S GOING ON!? ... I have a habit of holding down the shift key instead of pressing the caps lock... Nvm that, but could someone explain to me what's going on!? Isn't Toki already the "Blank Page"? So he's gonna be the blank page AND teiten? How'll he get back to the real world now!? If he does get back, what'll he do about his friends back in the "game" world? What about... um... uh... The something-ou thing? The thing with the high squeaky voice? Bleh... I didn't post for that reason...About Code Geass: Suzaku of Rebellion... I wanna try reading that. I think it came out in English already, but I'm not sure. I heard it's about Code Geass, except it's on Suzaku's point of view. I feel sorry for Suzaku... First beating up Lelounch, then friends with Lelounch, then almost killed many times by Lelounch, then working for Lelounch, then being told by Lelounch to kill him and take his place. But I think Rollo got the worst...
Rollo: wtf... Nii-san....? ;-;
Not meant as a joke. So maybe Lelounch is a bad guy... Torturing so many innocent people... But I really feel sorry for C.C.... Going through all of Lelouch's crazy tantrums... Getting attacked by Lelouch with a plate and a pizza... Getting yelled at by Lelouch randomly... But I also feel sorry for Kallen [or Karen... People call her many different names but I use Kallen ^^']... Having a crush on a womanizer [*AHEM* Lelouch. He's said to make 4 or maybe more girls like him] then almost forced to make out with a depressed and almost drugged Lelouch, then made out Lelouch [who made out and was going out with Shirly, who rumored to have made out with C.C. and is going out with her, who's rumored to be engaged to Kaguya-hime...], then Lelouch became an enemy to Kallen, THEN Kallen still misses Lelouch after he died [?]. Okay... I'm really going off topic.
refresh after the page loads. If you don't see strange words before the page loads, click staff or introduct and click top page.... What's it say!?!? OoO Hm... Idk Japanese or Romaji/Chinese.