In the link I gave you, it says the company that's making 07Ghost anime IS STUDIO DEEN!!! *Parties!* Sorry, I really like Studio Deen's works... ^^'
Here's a link to the 07Ghost staff list
Two completely random things placed together.... 07Ghost's gonna be an anime and ramune candy!! XD I know, I'm late on the news... X3
*SQUEE!!* [btw, 07Ghost English manga actually out since Nov. 15 ^^' Proof: I just got it yesterday. Don't listen to Borders saying that it comes out in 2009]
Haha... I guess a whole group of 07Ghost fans were squealing last week... A few weeks ago, 07Ghost fans were like "The manga's been licenced by Go! Comi... I think there's an anime... But that's just a rumor."
*D Help spread the news [<-- Jk, I already did, on this blog and on Youtube ^^] That's on my 2009 anime list next to Pandora Hearts! But.... Here:
Ahem.... About Ramune candy... I thought it was bubble gum at first... It's orginal flavored and fizzy when you eat it! [I wanna eat it when watching 07Ghost and Pandora Hearts... Lolz] Hawaiian Blue Ramune's good....
Ah.... Being an otaku's good.......... No... AWESOME!!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
You know that feeling that when you wanna cry and strangle someone at the same time?? RUNE FACTORY 2 WAS SOLD OUT WHEN I CAME!! Σ(゚Д゚')ノ ... Sorry... I just HAD to put that smiley there... The guy thought I was gonna cry 'cuz I got all teary-eyed... But the truth was that I was shocked and wanna strangle him and wanna cry and wanna shout "NO WAY!?!?! RUNE FACTORY IS NO THAT POPULAR AND THIS ISN'T NOT FAIR!! YOU STILL HAVE FOUR SQUIRRELS THERE SO THAT MEANS THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE 4 MORE GAMES!!!!! NO DURN WAY!!!! FREAK!!! NOOOOOO!!!" and kick him, and grab one of the squirrels and run and scream at the same time and smack the guy with my bag. All those mixed feelings make me look like I was gonna cry... Which made me look like I was a 9 year old... -.-' I almost fainted there... Lolz, but I'm gonna get it tomorrow [waking up really early and dagging my mom to buy it for me!! XD] This other store [Planet X] still haven't had it shipped in so If I go tomorrow I would GET THE PLUSHIE!!! X3 But the squirrel looked smaller than on the website but the one on the website looked sorta weird... Nvm, THEY'RE BOOTH UBER CUTE!!! *SQUEE!!* Great.. I'm hyper and happy but depressed angry at the same time and I'm typing like 1000 words a second and I keep making mistakes and I'm shaking like crazy.... STUPID NATSUME AND GAMESTOP!!!! I bought theses really cool pants- THAT'S NOT THE POINT!! ^^' As you can see I'm like crazy.... rofl *takes a deep breath....* Okay... I'm normal now! I wanna strangle someone now... TOKYOPOP REALLY CANCELLED PICK OF THE LITTER 5!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Countdown! 3... 2... 1... 0!!
*SQUEE!* RUNE FACTORY 2 IS OUT!! Here's the record of the countdown:

No photo editing!! You get a free squirrel plush too! [limited time]
Friday, November 14, 2008
I must have been posting like crazy... AROUND 120 POSTS NOW!!!
Haha, ignore that title..... The links ARE NOT RICK ROLLS!!
Watch this in order, it's really good! The first one is extremely funny, the second is just plain weird, the third [I recommend the vocaloid first, the original. The original is really sad..... I'll try my best to transcribe it, but I might not be able to get it out... Since I'm going to high school soon so my mom is pushing homework like crazy on me TToTT The last one I tried to transcribe was Amrita by Yui Makino... Got 1/4 of the song out... But got yelled at my mom for doing that and stopped ^^' I got the basic notes out, it's a b c c g g f e d d d e e d c b b c a a g a. It's on the piano, plus I might be off a few note. I won't get it out for awhile 'cuz my printer won't get the bank sheet music out ^^'] is the best of all of them. You have to atleast watch the second to understand the third! An extra..
That's really cute!! And Idk how I'm on the Japanese youtube.....
Watch this in order, it's really good! The first one is extremely funny, the second is just plain weird, the third [I recommend the vocaloid first, the original. The original is really sad..... I'll try my best to transcribe it, but I might not be able to get it out... Since I'm going to high school soon so my mom is pushing homework like crazy on me TToTT The last one I tried to transcribe was Amrita by Yui Makino... Got 1/4 of the song out... But got yelled at my mom for doing that and stopped ^^' I got the basic notes out, it's a b c c g g f e d d d e e d c b b c a a g a. It's on the piano, plus I might be off a few note. I won't get it out for awhile 'cuz my printer won't get the bank sheet music out ^^'] is the best of all of them. You have to atleast watch the second to understand the third! An extra..
That's really cute!! And Idk how I'm on the Japanese youtube.....
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I complete forgot about this!! XD It was fun and all... Games.. Eating Pocky until we're sick... Crab walk soccer... This snake game... BUT!! The most awesome of all was the *drum roll* HERO COSPLAY!!! [The theme was Heros] Our group got 2nd place!! X3 [I was the "hero" btw lolz] But that was completely by chance, our group didn't know about the cosplay contest and the equipment Jen [my counsler] brought was swiped by other groups. I was cosplaying as Otaku-girl in the outfit [well... only the ribbons, that's what I brought... I never intended to wear that on stage, I was only gonna show-off to my friends... I weas only the back-up hero too... But the offical one didn't even know there was a hero cosplay] Here's what happened:
Speaker: Okay thank you!! Now, Group 4!! [my group]
Speaker: Group 4!!!
Melody [a friend in my group] : *whispers* Kitty [not my real name]! Your turn!
Me: Huh? Oh, yeah!! *walks on stage shaking*
Speaker: Now, which hero are you?
Me: *thinks of a random name* Otaku-girl cosplaying as Haruhi Suzumiya from the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya!
Crowd: WHOO!! HARUHI!!!
Me: "I'm only interested in time travelers, espers and... and... *forgot line* Aliens!!"
Everyone: ...
My friends [mouthing]: Good luck!
Judge 1 [our pastor, Dean Kershner]: So... What do you do?
Me: Well... *think of a random thing* I find suitable anime and manga for everyone!
Judge 1: How?
Me: It'll be very wrong if a child would watch an adult anime would it?
Judge 3: What else do you do?
Me: Do you want me do dance the Hare Hare Yukai Dance?
Crowd: WHOO!! DANCE IT!!
Me: *dances half of it without music and me singing*
Speaker: Judges?
Judge 1: Erm... What would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood... [yes, he did say that!]
Judge 2: More action would be better.
Judge 3: Good job!!! [she says that to everyone]
Me: *walks down stage*
Crowd and my friends: WHOO!
Me: *sits down and turns to my group members*: I'MSORRYI'MSORRYI'MSORRY!!! ISUCKEDSOOBADLY!!
Anna and Shelly and Jen and Tiffy and the others I haven't named: Don't worry! You did fine!
Awhile later...
Speaker: Okay! Now, the final contestants are Sneeze-a-lator and Otaku-Girl!!
Sneeze-a-lator: *Walks up stage*
Tiffy [my bff from group 4]: *elbows me*
Me: Huh?
Tiffy: Go up!!
Me: ? They aren't calling me..
Speaker: Otaku-Girl!! [expersion like "GET UP NOW!!"]
Me: Oh... Okay! *Walks up stage*
Crowd: *boos and whoos at the same time*
Judge2: Do the dance again
Me: Okay *dances again without music and with me singing, but I lost my voice so no one could hear me*
Speaker: Anything else?
Me: Oh yeah! Amatsuki's an awesome anime that's based on the history of Japan! So if you watch it, you'll learn Japanese history! *Runs down stage really fast*
Judges and crowd: ...
Speaker: *sweatdrop* Sneeze-a-lator! Your turn!
Crowd: WHOO!!
Me [to my group]: I'MSORRYI'MSORRYI'MSORRY!!
group4: ... No comment...
Me: WHOO!!!
Everyone: ...
Phew... I thank God for helping me!! I was scared half to death on stage! ^^' Being Haruhi is hard! [I'm not a tsundere like her lol]
Speaker: Okay thank you!! Now, Group 4!! [my group]
Speaker: Group 4!!!
Melody [a friend in my group] : *whispers* Kitty [not my real name]! Your turn!
Me: Huh? Oh, yeah!! *walks on stage shaking*
Speaker: Now, which hero are you?
Me: *thinks of a random name* Otaku-girl cosplaying as Haruhi Suzumiya from the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya!
Crowd: WHOO!! HARUHI!!!
Me: "I'm only interested in time travelers, espers and... and... *forgot line* Aliens!!"
Everyone: ...
My friends [mouthing]: Good luck!
Judge 1 [our pastor, Dean Kershner]: So... What do you do?
Me: Well... *think of a random thing* I find suitable anime and manga for everyone!
Judge 1: How?
Me: It'll be very wrong if a child would watch an adult anime would it?
Judge 3: What else do you do?
Me: Do you want me do dance the Hare Hare Yukai Dance?
Crowd: WHOO!! DANCE IT!!
Me: *dances half of it without music and me singing*
Speaker: Judges?
Judge 1: Erm... What would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood... [yes, he did say that!]
Judge 2: More action would be better.
Judge 3: Good job!!! [she says that to everyone]
Me: *walks down stage*
Crowd and my friends: WHOO!
Me: *sits down and turns to my group members*: I'MSORRYI'MSORRYI'MSORRY!!! ISUCKEDSOOBADLY!!
Anna and Shelly and Jen and Tiffy and the others I haven't named: Don't worry! You did fine!
Awhile later...
Speaker: Okay! Now, the final contestants are Sneeze-a-lator and Otaku-Girl!!
Sneeze-a-lator: *Walks up stage*
Tiffy [my bff from group 4]: *elbows me*
Me: Huh?
Tiffy: Go up!!
Me: ? They aren't calling me..
Speaker: Otaku-Girl!! [expersion like "GET UP NOW!!"]
Me: Oh... Okay! *Walks up stage*
Crowd: *boos and whoos at the same time*
Judge2: Do the dance again
Me: Okay *dances again without music and with me singing, but I lost my voice so no one could hear me*
Speaker: Anything else?
Me: Oh yeah! Amatsuki's an awesome anime that's based on the history of Japan! So if you watch it, you'll learn Japanese history! *Runs down stage really fast*
Judges and crowd: ...
Speaker: *sweatdrop* Sneeze-a-lator! Your turn!
Crowd: WHOO!!
Me [to my group]: I'MSORRYI'MSORRYI'MSORRY!!
group4: ... No comment...
Me: WHOO!!!
Everyone: ...
Phew... I thank God for helping me!! I was scared half to death on stage! ^^' Being Haruhi is hard! [I'm not a tsundere like her lol]
Just one day without checking my email and I get a ton of spam...
My new obsession... VOCALOIDS!! Lolz, I JUST noticed Vocaloids existed this Sunday! [Well... I knew who Miku Hatsune was but I thought she was part of an anime]
Videos [NOT RICK ROLL!!! btw, sorry I didn't put the video here. Videos don't work on my blogger somehow... So I put the URL here]:
Oh yeah, about your questions Mei:
I don't know how to use my sleeping bag [XD]
I think I used the Medicine and Heal [I think that's what they're called] spellbook
Moondrop is sold where the other seeds are sold and it's a spring seed.
I didn't take a monster with me [to tell you the truth, I get my monster and the enemy confused together alot]
Um... I think alot of times I think...
Videos [NOT RICK ROLL!!! btw, sorry I didn't put the video here. Videos don't work on my blogger somehow... So I put the URL here]:
Oh yeah, about your questions Mei:
I don't know how to use my sleeping bag [XD]
I think I used the Medicine and Heal [I think that's what they're called] spellbook
Moondrop is sold where the other seeds are sold and it's a spring seed.
I didn't take a monster with me [to tell you the truth, I get my monster and the enemy confused together alot]
Um... I think alot of times I think...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Jr. High Winter Retreat!!
Yup you heard it... JH RETREAT!!! X3 Starts tomorrow at Liebenzell Retreat Center!!! So I'm gonna be back on Sunday [enduring gross food... ^^] Here's the retreat web:
I'm going with my church to the mountains far from computers... My ds... Anime.... *sweats* The other manga I didn't bring with me... *sweats even more* OoO Oh btw, I just started the manga Witch Hunt! X3 It's really good, besides that that is the artist's first manhwa! There are some amature mistakes, but the plot's gone through pretty smoothly.. I recommend this manhwa!
I'm going with my church to the mountains far from computers... My ds... Anime.... *sweats* The other manga I didn't bring with me... *sweats even more* OoO Oh btw, I just started the manga Witch Hunt! X3 It's really good, besides that that is the artist's first manhwa! There are some amature mistakes, but the plot's gone through pretty smoothly.. I recommend this manhwa!
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